Chorong’s Plastic Surgery Real Revi


Hello all!

I have done Face contouring surgery, rhinoplasty revision,

and double eyelid surgery, epicanthoplasty, and lateral canthoplasty for eyes

from BANOBAGI.^^






Before/ After




Wow, can you imagine that is the same person??

Here is my real review from the beginning ‘til now!






7 days after the surgery



I was pretty swelled until 3 days after surgery, but after then, it went down slowly~

I went to the clinic and got dressings and treatments.

The nurse removed the splint on nose bridge, and removed all the tape residue on chin.







14 days after the surgery



This day was 14 days after surgery and also my second visit to the clinic after surgery~

See? My cheekbone line is very smooth now~


I didn’t filtered the photo and even without filtering, my cheekbones are changed dramatically, and my eyes go REALLY big!!


The swelling on nose has gone down pretty much, and the line is perfect!

But I still wish to have the result after swelling subsidence~








1 month after the surgery



I didn’t make up any plans because I thought I will suffer from recover for long.

But after 2 weeks, I made up the plans and started going out~


I only had difficulties in eating, but nothing else in everyday activity.

Before the surgery, I never thought of uploading my photos on SNS without photoshop,

but now, it’s not necessary at all!!


I love my profile, this is how I wanted T.T

I take many profile photos these days~


Side cheekbones are gone, and I also had much fat on nose, but it is slim now~

My eyes got big, too!!


I am amazed every time I take the photos and glad that I got the surgery done.









2 months after the surgery



The swelling subsided so much!!!

Now I have refined eyes and nose with reduced cheekbone and also jaw line~

I think getting face contouring done helps on my diet ~


I look good on any kind of hats T.T

With hat, my face looks even smaller~

My friends compliment me for smaller face and that felt really good!








4 months after the surgery



I didn’t really like to put my hair down before the surgery. If I had to,

I would put my hair on one side to cover the cheekbone, and half up only.


I felt like my hair looks too big with hair down.. T.T


But not now!

It is funny how I keep saying this, but all photos are not filtered at all~






5 months after the surgery



I was waiting for summer so much,, and it finally came!

The time goes really fast and I can now wear the see-through shirts~~

My cheeks are read not because it’s hot, it is make-up ^^

Wearing hair band was never an option, but WOW!!



I’m wearing the make-ups, but it is right before I wash off!



I do the filtering with my photos, it is part of my job.

but after face contouring, filtering is much more easier!! Haha







6 months after the surgery



Total difference from before and after photos.

Omgosh,,, right??


I thought I suffer fir all the difficulties and pain for about 1 week after surgery,

but now, I don’t remember a thing!


The time goes this fast!

And my face changed, too!


One thing I realize after surgery is that successful result is important,

but also your will is important!!


I thought getting the surgeon done will bring dramatic result, but swelling was not subsiding. After I started managing the my weight, my face got really really small…


I take a lot of photos after surgery because I like myself! *^^*

I think now is the time I hear all the compliments people saying how pretty I am.

I thank the surgeons for this fantastic result!!


For people who are still considering about getting the surgery done,

as I am 1000000% satisfied, I live happier than ever!!


I am proud of myself, amazed, and satisfied!!


Totally recommend Banobagi!!!



517 Nonhyeon-Ro, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul Korea


    • MON ~ FRI

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    • ※ Closed on Sundays and Holidays

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    • 2 Yeoksam station exit no.6 and
      go straight about 100m
    • 9 Eonju station exit no.7 and
      go straight about 400m


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