Hair Transplant Surgery Real Review
My biggest concern was my wide forehead due to less hair on hairline area.
I had almost no hair in the middle of head on forehead area which I never tried to grow my hair without bangs that covers my wide forehead.
Here is my wide forehead before surgery..
You can see more clearly on profile that I have wide forehead, right?
On the day of the surgery!
The swelling isn’t that bad right after surgery.
I almost had no pain even after surgery.
3rd day after hair transplant
From on the day of the surgery to 3rd day,
the swelling was going down from head to my face.
2 weeks after hair transplant
I was so surprised to see myself with major swelling, but after 3rd day, deswelling started, and made my forehead look voluminous with only hair transplant surgery.
This is second week after surgery.
It looks a bit lose, because transplanted hair are now falling off. Hehe
3rd week after hair transplant
Full transplanted hair fell off and I have very less left.
It takes about 10 days for hair follicles to survive on transplanted area.
So when you hair falls off after about 2 weeks,
you do not have to worry because it will grow back!
1 month after surgery
Incision area is now almost invisible, right?
There is vertical incision line, but it is hidden by back hair,
so you do not have to worry about scar anymore!
2 months after surgery
Hair is growing back pretty rapidly.
I enjoying day by day looking at how much of hair grew!!
I’m having black bean for healthy hair to grow!
3rd month after surgery
I wear the hair band for the first time!
My profile looks more natural!
I know it takes time for hair to grow back and settled,
But I am already satisfied!!
4th month after surgery
My hair grew a lot, right?^^
You may not feel the difference, but I can tell (:
It’s growing very well!
Empty spaces are slowly filling up!
5 months after hair transplant
Transplanted hair grew about 5cm!
It is not long enough, but still looks more natural than when it first grew!
Before/ after
6 months after hair transplant
When you take a look a my hairline,
you won’t believe that I got hair transplant done if I say nothing.
It is natural as that much!
I am fully satisfied!!!!
7th month after surgery
I went for regular check-up today.
80% of the hair follicles survived from hair transplant surgery,
and it is growing well. (:
10 months after surgery
My hair grew a lot !!!
Hairline is very naturally grown and it is easier to manage than first time!
I feel like the hair roots are so natural just as is!
11th month after surgery
Natural hairline, and narrowed forehead from wide forehead!
I feel like I got prettier than before with hair transplant!
Before/ After
A lot of area has been filled.
Not many people notices, but even who know, they say it is done really naturally (:
Thank you so much Banobagi!!