Hyunhee’s Plastic Surgery Real Review


Pairi’s Plastic Surgery Real Review (Full body Liposuction)

Pairi’s Plastic Surgery Real Review


(Full body Liposuction)



I was in a good body shape in the beginning of teenager.

Then I started to roller skate as a player, and my thigh got bigger than ever.


Then I had to quit skating for my personal reason and all had left was thickened thighs.

I envied all the women who was in a good body shape and could not take eyes off of them


So I tried to lose weight, and I lost up to 48kgs, but my thigh size remained.



And I gained weight again and this could not bring anything back to me.

So I decided to get liposuction done, and found Banobagi for my surgery.








Here is my real before photo.



Thigh size differ when I sit and stand, but when I sit, it was over 40cm.







Can you also see my arms??


Thigh as big as elephant, and sagging arm fats..

It’s time to say good bye to them!!








1st week after surgery



Surgery was done successfully and safely.

It wasn’t a simple surgery, but I thought it was pretty simple.

I did suffer from post surgery..

After about 1 week, I was okay.

I was wishing for myself to become prettier!

Until I smile for myself!!







2nd week after surgery



Swelling is subsiding faster than I thought.

Whenever I look at my thighs, I feel like ‘it’s worth it!’

I do feel little lumps and painful areas, but already satisfied with the result… ^^







3rd week after surgery



My boyfriend was looking at me when I was wearing compression garment

and he was pretty surprised to see my skinny body.


I love to see myself losing weight and getting skinnier body shape!!


I have no difficulties in any areas now,

And I have mentioned about liposuction so much that

one of my friend is really thinking of getting it done!



You will be 100% satisfied just like me!!







1 month after surgery



Swelling is subsiding day by day and I cannot feel much change from last week.


I knew I would not remember when I was fat,

But I get skinnier, I really cannot remember my past!! Haha







Before/ 8 weeks after surgery (Thighs)








Before/ 8 weeks after surgery (Arms)



I took off the compression garment to take photos.

I can totally see the difference by comparing before and after photos~!


It doesn’t seem like I’m losing weight drastically these days, but I’m getting better shape of my body which I am satisfied with.







2nd month after surgery



My friends said I lost so much weight

and in a good shape that I can now try the short skirts!


I never thought of wearing it as I had thick thighs,

but now, I should go shopping!







3rd month after surgery



As time passes, I can see how liposuction was effective on my and that I cannot recommend to other who are suffering with fats on their body!


I heard that the effect of liposuction shows the best 3~ 6 months after surgery and when i think about me getting better result than now..








4th month after surgery



The time flies..

I did have difficult times after surgery, but now, it cannot be compared with my satisfaction!


Can you see how my thighs are even when I’m sitting down, twisted?

I am sooo amazed about the result and happy about it!! >.<







6 months after surgery




I heard people saying you should get plastic surgery done when you younger.

I understand now why people said it.


Because you will regret for not getting it done sooner!



I got rid of my complex and living happy life now,

which I way better than living life with low self-esteem because of the complex I have.



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