Yejin’s Plastic Surgery Real Review


Selly’s Plastic Surgery Real Review


(Double Jaw + Face contouring Surgery)



I hear all the compliments about my look these days after my change!

Do you want to know how much I changed to live different life than before?






This is my before the surgery photos.


I had protruded mouth, and angled face line with asymmetry.

So I got double jaw surgery with face contouring surgery done together!






3 days after plastic surgery



Um… Who is this????

My face is about to blow off~~

I hope the bloating will go away soon T.T






7 days after plastic surgery



The swelling is slowing subsiding,, very slowly..

I tried to eat soft foods to eat like soups, soymilk.






14 days after plastic surgery



Swelling started to go down!!

I tried to eat stew, but I couldn’t chew, so I just swallowed all….

It felt like swallowing gum.. yuk…







21 days after plastic surgery



Some swelling subsided, right??

I put wafer in my mouth, too~

I hope to get orthodontic treatment when I visit for treatment next time… hehe






40 days after plastic surgery



I had severe asymmetric face before the surgery.

But after double jaw surgery, with face contouring surgery, it has been improved a lot!

My upper lip is swelled and it makes my face look like I have short chin…..







62 days after plastic surgery



I can now clinch my molar teeth appropriately!

And swelling is subsiding pretty fast now!~

Slowly, The v-line is showing on my face~ >_<







100 days after plastic surgery



It is a bit awkward to smile, yet,,,hmm

But my asymmetric face is well enhanced, and jaw line is more defined.







136 days after plastic surgery



Sensation is coming back, but not on my front chin.

It is still numb as i do not notice until someone tells me I have something on front chin.







173 days after plastic surgery



It still looks like I have short chin..

But I went out for a picnic on a good weather~








9 months after plastic surgery



After surgery, I can feel that space inside my mouth got smaller than before.

Because of the smooth face line, I hear a lot of people complimenting my look saying I look beautiful!







10 months after plastic surgery



Baby fats on cheeks are gone, and jaw line is showing more clearly.

I’m spending happy days everyday~

I don’t feel awkward when I smile anymore~!







11 months after plastic surgery



Because of the cold weather, I easily get runny nose.

Be careful for the cold weather you guys..

Defined faceline after double jaw, and face contouring surgery at Banobagi!

I am fully satisfied!!!

Don’t I look like refined warm hearted city women? Hahaha


I found m confidence as I hear compliments saying I look younger than my age, and my face is so small!


Find your beautiful face line with Banobagi!!


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