Youngjoo’s Plastic Surgery Real Review


Twinkle Princess’s Plastic Surgery Real Review


(Double eyelid surgery + Ptosis correction)



Before / After


To be honest, I did have double eyelid even before the surgery.

Very Very thin ‘in-out’ fold line, as surgeon said.


But when you look from far, it looks like I have no double eyelid line. Just dull eyes..

My eyes are asymmetric and also one side of pupil was less visible than other one..


So I decided to get Double eyelid surgery + ptosis correction at Banobagi!












The day of the surgery



This is me right after the surgery.

Dr.Park SunJae, who performed the surgery for me

also said I have severe asymmetry of eyes. T.T


I also had low blood pressure,

so I was instructed to move my toes for blood circulation during surgery. Hehe


I got dressing tools and ice packs and came home~!


Oh, for your information,

I only stayed in the recovery room for 30 minutes and was discharged! haha








2 days after surgery



Wow!! What had happen to me?!

I think I am suitable person for such surgery.

My swellings are almost gone already after 2 days!!

I am writing the review and took the photos for my reference, and I was so surprised to see myself have not much swelling anymore! Haha










2 weeks after surgery



For people who get only double eyelid surgery, recovery is short as mine,

but I was told that mine will take little long due to ptosis correction together.

But I’m not that swelled !


I try to be careful because my left eyelid is a bit more swelled than right eyelid.>_<


The stitch removal was done 5 days after,

and it is healing more fasting after stitch-out. Hehe








20 days after surgery



It’s been almost one month after,

And Dr. Park say my skin is too thin

and it may take longer time than other patients for scar to be healed.



I should have done this in early 20s,

when I was younger for fast regeneration of skin..


I do have big and bright eyes, but I will look more natural after one month, right?








One month after surgery



I look more natural than before, right~?

My eyes looked dull, but it is clearer now.

Minor swelling will subside soon, right?? >_<







Before/ After




Before and after comparison reminds me of before and shows the difference !

So satisfying! >_<


I went for regular check-up with the surgeon and asked for my scar condition.

The surgeon once again told me it will take some time because of my thin skin..

Now I envy for think skin…. Hahah


BUT you know what?

I LOVE my eyelid line!!!







40 days after surgery



I wore the make-up today!

Photo on the right is without make-up~


I can feel that it is becoming more natural day by day~









Before / After



Scar will take some time to healed..

But I live the result of my surgery with Beautiful double eyelid line! ><








2 months after surgery



Make-ups can cover up the scar now~

My eyelid lines are clear and minor swellings subsided more, right?









Before/ After



My eyes look totally different even from fat away!!


I Love Banobagi because their result is NATURAL !!!

All my co-workers envy me for natural result!!






3 months after surgery



The bumpiness of scar is pretty much gone now!

My eyes are now clear and bight!! ><

You know, I also had asymmetric eyes, but it is all corrected!!

I keep thinking I had this eye shape from the first time, but when I look at my before photos, I realize I should thank the surgeon.. haha





If you want to get it done,


Get it done as soon as possible !!







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